International Biennial for Handmade Paper & Fibre Art

Taiwan 2023-2024

Once She Dries was selected for the International Biennial for Handmade Paper & Fibre Art Earth Speak: Giving Voice to Paper, which was presented at both the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan and the NTCRI Museum of Craft Design in Caotun Township, Taiwan.

Artist Talk at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall.

Once She Dries: Installation/Performance Premiere March 3-April 2, 2023 SMUSH Gallery

Featured events:

Documentary Screening

A special showing and discussion of Coral Woman, a documentary featuring artist Uma Mani’s journey from painting, to diving, to advocating for India’s coral reefs.

Arts + Science talk

A discussion of the creative process behind Once She Dries and its emphasis on the science behind coral resilience, plus information on Global Coralition, a non-profit that works in reef advocacy through the intersection of science, art, and community engagement.